About This Site

When creating a site, there are a wide variety of choices to make: what should it contain, how should it look, which features should it offer, and how is it hosted?

Who am I?

Hi! I’m Crote, a tech enthousiast, developer, F/LOSS supporter, and CS student. Besides this site, you can find my work on GitLab or GitHub.



Look & feel

The design is heavily inspired by Brandur.org and aims to as minimalistic as possible.


This site is written in Markdown, rendered with a custom Jekyll configuration. It is highly customized to support a wide variety of content, including ToCs, code highlighting, and LaTeX. The setup is available on GitLab and Github under the MIT licence.


Hosting is done using GitLab Pages, as I wanted a solution which could automatically compile the site from the source repository and host it on a custom domain with TLS. Github Pages was considered, but it does not allow the amount of customization desired, most notably due to the lack of support for custom page generators.